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The nutritional and organoleptic properties of blueberries

Blueberries are technically berries, much like blackberries. They are bluish-purple in colour and grow spontaneously or can be cultivated intensively. Though they come from entirely distinct species, they are frequently mistaken for blackberries themselves. Additionally, the flavour is different from blueberry, which has more overtly sweet undertones. In addition to the taste, the nutritional values of blueberries are also appreciated.

The vast concentration of vitamins and mineral salts that sets them apart is the subject here. In actuality, blueberries are rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron, and potassium, in addition to vitamins A and C. Their vibrant colour is also a result of their abundance of anthocyanins, which are antioxidant compounds. Anthocyanins protect the circulatory system and heart from the damaging effects of free radicals. Lastly, evidence is shown for the preventive role that blueberries, along with other antioxidants, play in the capillaries.


The different varieties of blueberries

There are numerous varieties of blueberries, some of which are widespread in our country. Here’s a quick overview:

  • Duke: It’s an early variety that’s picked in the autumn. It has a pale hue and a generally acidic flavour.
  • Spartan: It is harvested towards the end of autumn and is characterised by large, particularly juicy, and medium-sweet fruits.
  • Blucecrop: It is distinguished by a very large, medium-sweet, juicy, dark-colored fruit that is harvested in June.
  • Berkeley: It is probably the most widespread variety. It is distinctly sweet, and the fruit has an intermediate tone.
  • Brigitta Blue: The fruit is harvested around August and has a decidedly aromatic flavour, reminiscent of wild blackberries.
  • Late Blue: Harvested late and characterised by its compact pulp and an aromatic but still sweetish flavour.

They are frequently used in recipes

Blueberries are typically eaten as table fruit, though they are frequently added to confections. For instance, instead of using blueberries as a filling for tarts, you might use them to make a delicious jam that you could spread over bread for breakfast.

Blueberries work well in baked goods, as a cake garnish, and in the creation of delectable sorbets. This also applies to juices, smoothies, and granitas. The blueberry is frequently mixed not just with red fruits, to which it is “related,” but also with unusual fruits like melon and mango. Below, you will find a selection of recipes to make with blueberries. You have plenty of options.


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