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Black cherries

Black cherries, the most versatile variety of cherries

You can think of black cherries as a kind of regular cherry. They are distinguished from the more well-known “table” types by having a noticeably lighter colour, a slightly more regular form, and a sour but nevertheless enjoyable flavour. It is no accident that the species it fruits from is referred to as the “sour cherry” in botany. It can withstand a wide range of temperatures and soil types and doesn’t need much care.

The fruit, black cherries, is nutrient-dense. They are first and foremost abundant in vitamins, specifically group B, vitamin A, and PP. Additionally, they are a great source of mineral salts, particularly calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and, to a lesser degree, iron. In addition, black cherries are a good source of quercetin and coumarins, two potent antioxidants.

The different varieties of black cherries

Although, from a taxonomic point of view, the situation is more complex than it seems, black cherries are divided into some varieties (which are actually sub-varieties of the cherry). In some cases, we talk about cherry-black cherry hybrids. Here are the best-known varieties:

  • Classics: They are characterised by a light pulp and bright red skin. The flavour is bitter compared to cherries but sweet compared to other varieties.
  • Morello cherries: The pulp tends towards dark amaranth or garnet, and the flavour is both acidic and bitter. More than a table fruit, it is considered a “processing” fruit (especially for the production of liqueurs).
  • Sour cherries: The colour is intense red, and the flavour is very acidic.

How to consume them?

As already mentioned, black cherries are rarely considered a table fruit. In fact, they have a slightly bitter flavour, although pleasant, so the many varieties of classic cherries are preferred to them. However, black cherries are appreciated as the main ingredient in recipes and confectionery preparations. The reference is in particular to jams and cake fillings. Also very popular are the black cherry syrups and the many liqueurs, often linked to regional traditions, that feature this interesting variety of cherry as the protagonist.

A variety of black cherry recipes are included below, with a focus on desserts that include a delicious filling. Some common traditional dishes, like black cherries in syrup, are also available. In summary, as you can see, black cherries have some versatility, even though eating them raw is not really advised.

You have even more motivation to get in the kitchen and try your creative side if you enjoy the taste of black cherry. But there are undoubtedly more fascinating details that can persuade you to make this liqueur right away.

Therefore, by choosing to prepare a vanilla-flavoured black cherry liqueur, you can bring to the table not only an engaging flavour and a homemade drink but also some of the qualities of these fantastic fruits. Each glass of liqueur can provide our body with a valid dose of vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, and B6, C, E, K, and J, and mineral salts such as potassium, calcium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, and magnesium.

What is the difference between regular cherries and black cherries?

The link between regular cherries and black cherries is very close; indeed, it could be said that the second is a variety of the first. Therefore, any comparison should concern the most widespread type of cherry, i.e., the classic one that grows on the “prunus avium”, and the black cherries themselves.

Having made these clarifications, we can say that regular cherries usually have a sweeter flavour and juicier pulp. On the other hand, black cherries are firmer and convey a sour scent. The colour of the regular cherries is an intense red, while that of the black cherries is lighter and more delicate.

The difference in flavour and consistency is also reflected in the uses and methods of consumption. For example, regular cherries are more suitable for raw consumption, while black cherries are almost always the protagonists of more or less complex recipes. On a nutritional level, there are no major differences.

What are the benefits of this fruit?

As we’ve seen, black cherries are beneficial to your health because they contain a lot of active chemicals. Why are they there, exactly? Given their high vitamin C content, they undoubtedly strengthen the immune system. Because it facilitates the absorption of iron, this chemical provides some benefit to those with anaemia disorders.

Thus, an abundance of vitamin PP has a beneficial effect on a wide range of organs. It is beneficial to the digestive system because it controls intestinal transit, promotes collagen synthesis, and supports the skin’s regenerative processes. Lastly, vitamin PP has a beneficial effect on the nervous system in addition to making the skin more radiant, supple, and dazzling as a result of these qualities.

Black cherry is also an excellent remineralizer, given the abundance of mineral salts and other nutrients. In general, this fruit is associated with anti-inflammatory functions, similar to what happens with aspirin. Furthermore, black cherries are rich in antioxidants, substances that help prevent cancer and slow down ageing.