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Fried rice with shrimp and basil, a delicious recipe

Tiziana Colombo: per voi, Nonnapaperina

Recipe proposed by
Tiziana Colombo

Riso fritto con gamberi
Recipes for Intolerants, Asian Cuisine
Gluten-free recipes
Lactose-free recipes
Preparation: 01 hours 00 min
Cooking: 01 hours 00 min
Ingredients for: 4 people
5/5 (1 Review)

Fried rice with shrimp and basil, a mix between Chinese and Mediterranean cuisine

Fried rice with shrimp and basil is one of the many variations of Chinese fried rice. The term “fried rice,” just to be clear, refers to recipes based on rice boiled and then sautéed in a pan with various ingredients.

This fried rice with shrimp and basil is unique in that it combines two culinary traditions: Chinese and Mediterranean. With the former, the result is classic, and with the latter, some typical ingredients from our region, like peas and basil, are added.

Overall, it is a very tasty dish, easy to prepare, and nutritious. A varied and appetising flavour is accompanied by a suggestive impact, which benefits from a great variety of colours.

Recipe shrimp fried rice

Preparation shrimp fried rice

  • To prepare the fried rice with shrimp and basil, follow these steps. Beat the eggs in a bowl and season them with a little salt and black pepper.
  • Pour a spoonful of peanut oil into a large, already hot pan (a wok if possible), then add the eggs and prepare a thin omelette. Let it cool and cut it into strips, which you will set aside.
  • Pour the sesame oil into the same pan you used to cook the omelette, and add the minced garlic. Once it’s browned, add the shrimp and cook them until they turn pink. Add the chopped onion and peas at the end and simmer for 4–5 minutes.
  • At this point, add the rice and mix carefully. Now add the pieces of omelette and mix everything well. Finally, garnish with fish sauce and plenty of basil.

Ingredients shrimp fried rice

  • 320 gr. of cooked and cooled basmati rice
  • 200 gr. of cleaned shrimp
  • 1 cup fresh peas
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 tablespoons toasted sesame oil
  • 2 tablespoons peanut oil (or vegetable oil)
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • finely chopped
  • 1 small onion
  • well chopped
  • 2 tablespoons of fish sauce
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar
  • salt and black pepper to taste
  • fresh spring onions or chives for garnish (optional)

Which rice should be used?

Fried rice with shrimp and basil, like many comparable recipes, depends on proper rice management, beginning with variety selection. I suggest basmati rice for this particular occasion because of its unique grain structure, which holds its distinctness even after prolonged cooking. Due to its low gluten content, basmati rice works well as an accompaniment in many cooking methods, much like our bread. It can also be pan-fried or simply boiled.

Also, pay attention to the doses. There are a lot of ingredients in the fried rice with shrimp and basil, so be sure to use large portions and don’t serve people less than 80 grammes each.

How to make fish sauce for the shrimp and basil fried rice

This is still very much an oriental fried rice recipe, even with the changes. This is evident in the garnishes and sauces as well, as a few spoonfuls of fish sauce are used.

Asian culinary customs have a long history of using fish sauce, which is actually an aromatic and salty condiment made by fermenting whole fish. Many buy it straight from the shop because preparing it at home takes time. However, it is worthwhile to offer some guidance.

Start with selecting small, fresh fish, such as mackerel or anchovies, for the fish sauce preparation. After that, they are cleaned, their entrails removed, and they are layered with coarse salt in a big container. Lastly, put a hermetical lid on the jar and store it for at least six months in a warm, dark place. The fish will gradually ferment throughout this period, creating a black, briny liquid.

After the liquid has fermented, strain it and store it in a sterile container. This produces a thick and tasty sauce that can, if needed, be thinned out with a little hot water.

What to know about shrimp

It is worth talking about the shrimp, which, together with basil, are the main ingredients of the recipe for fried rice with shrimps and basil. The flavour of shrimps is subtle and slightly sweet, and it becomes better as it cooks. Its tender meat, once cooked, takes on a firm but pulpy consistency.

From a nutritional point of view, shrimps defend themselves very well. They represent a notable source of protein, are low-calorie, and provide many vitamins and minerals.

In particular, shrimps are known to contain a significant quantity of selenium, a mineral that contributes to the prevention of important pathologies. Shrimps also offer abundant quantities of vitamin B12, phosphorus, and iodine. They also contain omega-3s, beneficial fats useful to the heart and blood circulation.

However, it must be noted that the level of cholesterol in prawns might vary. But because they contain little saturated fat, they are a good option for many diets.

The many variations of fried rice

The versatility of fried rice is astonishing and reflects the creativity and diversity of cuisines around the world. Many are familiar with shrimp and basil fried rice, but this is just a starting point. In fact, there are countless variations that give a special touch to this dish.

Consider curry fried rice, for instance. Curry, which has a noticeable spice presence, enters the picture to offer a palate-caressing depth of flavour that creates a gustatory harmony that surprises and conquers.

And there’s the pineapple fried rice. This exotic combination brings together sweet and savoury in a surprising union. The addition of pineapple, with its natural sweetness and freshness, brings a breath of exoticism to the dish.

A tribute to nature, fried rice with veggies is for those who enjoy simplicity. This version, where each vegetable tells a tale, is enhanced with vibrant colours and true flavours. It has a unique touch because of the addition of edamame, tiny green beans that are common in Chinese cuisine.

And for protein lovers, chicken fried rice is a winning choice. Golden chicken cubes, succulent and rich in flavour, become the centrepiece of this variant, enriching the dish with their consistency.

Finally, for those who aren’t afraid of fire, there’s spicy fried rice. A fiery version, where chilli plays a key role, unleashing an explosion of flavour with every bite.

Fried rice, with its countless variations, represents a gustatory journey through different culinary traditions, showing how a simple ingredient can be transformed in a thousand different ways. Each variant tells a story, a tradition, or an emotion. And now, which one of them is your favourite?

Shrimp and Basil Fried Rice FAQs

How many grammes of rice do you need per person?

Typically, it takes 80 grammes of rice per person. However, portions may vary based on personal needs or the number of additional ingredients.

How to use left-over rice the next day?

One of the ways to use left-over rice the next day is to prepare fried rice. Basically, the rice has to be cold, but if it’s leftover rice, it’s even better.

5/5 (1 Review)
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