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Oven-Grilled Vegetables: An Easy and Healthy Recipe

Tiziana Colombo: per voi, Nonnapaperina

Recipe proposed by
Tiziana Colombo

Recipes for Intolerant People, Italian Cuisine
Gluten-free recipes
Lactose-free recipes
Low nickel recipes
Vegetarian recipes
Preparation: 01 hours 00 min
Cooking: 01 hours 00 min
Ingredients for: 4 people
5/5 (1 Review)

Oven-grilled vegetables, bringing out the flavour of the ingredients

How should vegetables be grilled? This recipe’s name, oven-grilled vegetables, may make some people uncomfortable. It appears somewhat paradoxical that a vegetable can be either baked or grilled! In reality, the recipe refers to a somewhat particular cooking method, which involves using the oven to achieve a result that is very similar to grilling.

It may seem impossible, but it is not at all. If static ovens are operated properly, they offer a similar result. As you’ll see from the recipe, the most crucial step is to season the veggies to give them a “grilled effect.” Nothing tough, please relax!

Oven-grilled vegetables guarantee maximum results with minimum effort. This recipe, which is very simple and quite widespread, was born out of the need to avoid the grilling process. Grilling vegetables, or passing them on the grill, is more difficult than you might think, since the risk of burning is lurking.

The result from a flavour perspective and the visual impression could be ruined if the heat is not distributed evenly. Therefore, the need emerges to obtain the best of the grilling effect and, at the same time, eliminate the risks. Here the oven becomes the best alternative since it favours uniform cooking. As I have already specified, however, you will have to pay maximum attention to the seasoning phase.

Recipe oven-grilled vegetables

Preparation oven-grilled vegetables

  • Slice the tomatoes, courgettes, and aubergines for the oven-grilled vegetables. To ensure uniformity and speed of cooking, each slice needs to be extremely thin.
  • Cover a baking tray with baking paper and place the slices, alternating the aubergines, courgettes, and tomatoes.
  • Position the slices in a “staggered” way, that is, slightly on top of each other. Dip a pastry brush in oil and brush the surface of the vegetables.
  • Finally, cook in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 15 minutes. How to season grilled vegetables? After cooking, add salt, basil, and a drizzle of olive oil.
  • Now it is ready to be served as a side dish to a meat- or fish-based second course.
  • You can add flavour by adding your favourite aromatic herbs if you don’t have nickel intolerance.
  • You can vary the flavour and colour scheme by using different mixed veggies.

Ingredients oven-grilled vegetables

  • 200 gr. of courgettes
  • nickel-free basil leaves
  • 200 gr. of aubergine
  • 200 gr. of nickel-free tomatoes
  • a pinch of salt
  • 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil

The many benefits of courgettes

The selection of ingredients in this recipe for oven-grilled veggies is deliberate. Actually, it’s made to provide the best possible taste, health benefits, and most importantly, aesthetic appeal.

The end result is a rainbow of colours, a delight for the tongue and the eyes. Courgettes are a common ingredient in Italian and other cuisines. It’s a vegetable whose health benefits are frequently disregarded, overlooked, or taken for granted.

However, it’s a food that can actually benefit the body and provide a significant portion of the nutrients required to meet nutritional requirements.

verdure grigliate al forno

First and foremost, it should be mentioned that courgettes are low in calories. In fact, they are among the lightest foods ever; in fact, 100 grammes of courgettes contain only 16 kcal!

This low score can be attributed to two factors: the complete absence of fat and the high concentration of water (95 percent). One benefit of courgettes is their high potassium content, which makes them diuretic.

It also has a high concentration of vitamins C and B9, which support hormonal balance and strengthen the nervous system. Courgettes are also characterized by a very low glycaemic index, anti-inflammatory properties (especially of the urinary tract), and high digestibility.

Eggplants, a tasty and healthy vegetable

Another veggie that sticks out in these oven-grilled veggies is the eggplant, which is a staple of Italian cooking, particularly in southern Italy. Plenty of recipes include eggplant as the primary ingredient; some of these recipes, like the Parmigiana, have become so well-known worldwide. To prepare this recipe, I usually grill the eggplants in the oven instead of frying them in oil.

The reason for this is simple: eggplant is a good, healthy, and versatile veggie. It contains solanine, a dangerous chemical that can only be neutralised at high temperatures, so you simply need to be cautious when boiling it.

Similar to zucchini, eggplants have a very low calorie content—just 18 kcal per 100 grammes! Additionally, it is a vegetable high in fibre, which makes it a great treatment for constipation, especially if cooked using little added fat.

The similarities to zucchini don’t stop there; in fact, considerable amounts of potassium and vitamin C (even more than that in citrus fruits) can be found in eggplants. However, the presence of phosphorus, sodium, and calcium is also noteworthy. As with this easy but delicious recipe, grilling or baking is the best way to prepare eggplant.

Oven-grilled vegetables are a simple and delicious side dish that is gluten-free, lactose-free, low in nickel, and suitable for vegetarians. Zucchini is low in nickel. Which vegetables can be grilled? You can grill any veggie found during their season. Even the kids enjoyed the mixed grill of baked veggies that we made today. Grilled vegetables for all!

The contribution of tomatoes

From an analytical standpoint, tomatoes play a major role in the oven-roasted vegetable recipe. From an aesthetic perspective, they enhance the dish’s presentation and please the eyes by adding a rather rich shade of red to this tasty and light side dish. From an organoleptic point of view, they give a fresh and at the same time acidic note, which veers a little towards bitterness after cooking. Finally, from a nutritional point of view, tomatoes guarantee a wide range of vitamins, mineral salts, and antioxidants.

Among these, lutein and lycopene stand out, which help prevent cancer and are good for the heart and circulation. Tomatoes, like all the vegetables in this recipe, are also appreciated for their low calorie intake, which does not exceed 30 kcal per 100 grammes.

These days, you can also find nickel-free tomatoes; they are grown hydroponically (i.e., in the absence of soil). This makes them compatible with the needs of those sensitive and allergic to nickel.

Oven-roasted vegetables: the contribution of basil

Oven-roasted vegetables are a simple recipe that focusses entirely on lightness and the quality of the ingredients. Proof of this is the flavouring phase, which is barely mentioned. It relies almost exclusively on basil, but I assure you it is more than enough.

Basil is one of the most popular aromatic plants. Its leaves guarantee an intense aroma while respecting the other ingredients. They also give a certain freshness that gives a summery touch to all preparations. Nonetheless, basil boasts an excellent nutritional profile. The reference is to the abundance of vitamin K, essential for blood clotting, and vitamin A, important for healthy eyesight and the immune system.

Vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system and promotes healthy skin, is also present in basil. It is an excellent source of nutrients like iron, which is required for the synthesis of haemoglobin, calcium (important for healthy bones), and magnesium (supports healthy muscles and nerves).

Basil is rich in antioxidants, such as flavonoids, which help protect cells from oxidative stress. Finally, its leaves contain essential oils with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, contributing to overall health and well-being.

How to perfectly grill veggies

I’ll end by offering some tips for grilling veggies the old-fashioned way—that is, without using an oven. Selecting fresh vegetables like tomatoes, courgettes, and aubergines is the first step in grilling veggies to perfection.

To guarantee equal cooking, chop them into uniform pieces after giving them a thorough wash and drying. Then, to enhance the flavours and keep them from sticking to the grill, lightly spray them with olive oil. Lastly, turn the grill’s heat up to medium-high and put the veggies straight onto the grates. Now proceed with the grilling, which should last 3-5 minutes per side.

The vegetables should become tender and have nice grilled streaks. It is important to turn the vegetables only once while they are cooking so that you may achieve a nice light brown colour. Once ready, add salt, pepper, and aromatic herbs.

Oven-grilled vegetables FAQs

Which vegetables should be baked?

A variety of vegetables, such as tomatoes, eggplants, and courgettes, can be prepared in the oven. Eggplants provide a particular body, tomatoes a hint of acidity, and courgettes a subtle scent.

Which herbs should be put on the oven-baked veggies?

You can put different types of herbs on the baked veggies, but I always recommend a little basil for a unique flavour. You can also add oregano, thyme, and rosemary.

How to store grilled vegetables for the next day.

When storing grilled veggies for the next day, allow them to cool fully before putting them in an airtight container. After that, put the container in the fridge so that the grilled veggies will stay fresh and delicious for approximately a day.

How to freeze oven-grilled vegetables?

To freeze oven-grilled vegetables, let them cool completely and arrange them on a tray in a single layer. Then freeze the tray for a few hours and transfer the vegetables into freezer bags, eliminating excess air before sealing.

What is the calorie count of baked veggies?

In actuality, veggies don’t contain many calories; the amount of calories in roasted vegetables mostly comes from the seasonings added. In the best-case scenario, a plate of baked vegetables could provide less than 100 kcal.

Are there any recipes for grilled vegetables? Of course we do!

5/5 (1 Review)
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