Juice Recipes for All Tastes

Fruit and vegetable juices: an elixir of taste and health
Fruit and vegetable juices allow you to have drinks on hand that are good for the body and are the best and tastiest way to tackle a break or snack.
Fruit and vegetables, as we all know, are very good for you. A few portions a day should be part of the diet of those who want to lose weight and eliminate toxins. Because fresh fruit and vegetables let you experiment with flavours, colours, and scents while mixing and matching different fruits, they’re a great way to achieve these objectives and make everything look and feel much more enticing. The pulp is clearly separated from the juice and is not mashed and sieved like it is with extracts.
Of course, the combination of different nutritional principles must not be overlooked. Fruit juices make it possible to consume a lot of essential nutrients, like vitamin C, which is necessary for the immune system to function well and for controlling oxidative processes. Everything gets much more spectacular when you take into account how easy it was to prepare! To obtain valid results, however, it is necessary to choose the juicer carefully. Let’s delve into this important aspect together.
How to choose the best fruit juicer
How are juices made? You need the right juicer for flawless juices. How to choose it? The material is the first thing to think about because it needs to be resistant to corrosive substances and time. Stainless steel is ideal for this purpose, known for its excellent performance and ease of cleaning.
The motor needs to be mentioned as well; if at all possible, it should be quite powerful. One thing to keep in mind when making a purchase is that the base uses suction cups rather than the classic base. This seemingly insignificant information turns out to be crucial. Why? For the simple fact that the suction cups help to dampen the vibrations resulting from the centrifugal force, solving, at least in part, the problem of excessive noise.
As already mentioned, with an excellent juicer, you are already halfway there. The ideal time to consume the prepared juice is still unknown. Here are some simple tips on this matter.
When is the ideal time to consume fruit juice?
Having a high-quality juice is beneficial throughout the day. Nonetheless, there are situations where selecting these options is especially sensible. We are talking about snacks between meals. In this way, you avoid consuming too much sugar and fat, and you do not give up energy. To understand this, just think that a good glass of fruit and vegetable juice also provides 100 calories, the equivalent of a piece of white bread. I personally prepare many fruit and vegetable juices for breakfast!
The advantage is that it contains many more nutrients, and you can have fun! The combinations, in fact, are endless. You can focus only on fruit or also include some vegetables. An example? The fennel and apple juice are excellent natural purifiers! There are many detox juices, but you can also create thirst-quenching and detoxifying drinks. Summer or winter juice? We have them for every season of the year.
To find the best combination, you need to focus on your needs. For those who play sports, for example, juices are excellent because they contain a good amount of mineral salts, substances that need to be replenished after physical activity. A useful tip for this? A good orange and cucumber juice! Those who want to add some vitamins can opt for an apple, carrot, and celery juice.
To optimise the benefits of juices, it is best to consume them as soon as they are ready. Storing them for too long is not advisable at all, as it alters the properties of the ingredients!
There’s no denying that juices can satisfy even the most diversified requirements. For athletes who seek to enhance their cognitive performance and replenish their mineral salt supply, juices come in handy. A juice composed of apples, carrots, berries, and plums is great in these circumstances.
Vitamin C is necessary to boost immunity and get ready for the winter. You can do this with carrot, orange, and ginger juice. There are a tonne of recipes available, and you should try them all!
Fruit and vegetable juice recipes: a wide range of choices!
We have delicious and healthy fruit and vegetable juice recipes to suit every palate! What to put in the juicer? Whatever you like! Preparing fruit juices with a juicer is within everyone’s reach.
Apple, carrot, berry, plum juice: an ideal juice to improve cognitive performance (memory). It has an anti-inflammatory function and improves vision and brain function. It contains a lot of vitamin C and mineral salts and has anti-diarrhoeal, refreshing, diuretic, antibacterial, and antiseptic properties. A measured calorie intake is one of the simplest and most effective ways to limit the problem of free radicals from the outset, in addition to the secondary effect of making it easier to maintain a healthy weight.
Orange, carrot, and ginger juice: a juice with a high content of Vitamin C makes it a complete mix to strengthen the immune system and prevent or reduce upper respiratory tract infections. It can be an excellent adjuvant in the prevention of cold-related illnesses. High content of bioflavonoids that play a fundamental role in the reconstruction of collagen in connective tissue. Strengthening bones, teeth, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments.
Apple, carrot, and pineapple juice: this juice is useful for improving cognitive performance (memory). It has an anti-inflammatory function and improves eyesight and brain function. It contains a lot of vitamin C and mineral salts and is refreshing, diuretic, bactericidal, and antiseptic. It has purifying and detoxifying properties and aids digestion. It is healthy, digestible, and nutritious, particularly suitable for those who need to get back into shape and for those who are on a diet. The substance contained in pineapple, bromelain, promotes the digestion of proteins thanks to the action of digestive enzymes, and its diuretic properties make it an excellent remedy for water retention. In fact, because it facilitates the reabsorption of oedema and acts as an effective drainer, it also helps with the prevention of cellulites.
Carrot, Kiwi, and orange juice: this juice is useful for promoting the correct growth and repair of body tissues, protecting against pollutants and more generally against free radicals, strengthening bones and teeth, and improving eyesight. It is ideal for toning the body. Contains a lot of vitamin C and mineral salts, refreshing, diuretic, bactericidal, and antiseptic.
It has the power to stop lipids from oxidising too soon and to stop oxidative stress-related illnesses from starting and getting worse. In addition to causing cell death, oxidative stress fosters the growth of diseases like cancer, heart failure, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s.
Carrots, cucumber, olives, and basil: this tasty and refreshing juice promotes cellular rejuvenation. In addition to stimulating blood circulation, which helps to rejuvenate the colour of the skin, it also contributes to healthy skin, bones, and cartilage, as well as clean, bright, and glowy skin. It supports the maintenance of strong memory and attention since polyphenols and beta-carotene are present.
Red, green, and yellow apples: an essential juice to increase and promote the transmission of nerve impulses. Improves cognitive performance (memory). It has an anti-inflammatory function. The apple has 5 groups of antioxidants, of which polyphenols are the main ones. Rich in anti-inflammatory active ingredients derived from salicylic acid, it promotes general anti-inflammatory activity.
Blueberry juice, green apple: an essential juice to increase and promote the transmission of nerve impulses. Improves cognitive performance (memory). Has anti-inflammatory function and improves vision and brain function. It counteracts the onset of some of the most serious diseases in the world.
Apple, Kiwi, and ginger: a good, natural recipe with energising characteristics. It has a natural balance of glutathione, which is the main anti-ageing factor. It has the power to stop lipids from oxidising too soon and to stop oxidative stress-related illnesses from starting and getting worse. It heals the stomach and eliminates fat, including abdominal fat. It has a thermogenic effect, that is, it produces heat and burns calories. This makes it suitable for those who want to lose weight, as long as it is used as part of a balanced diet.
Spinach and carrot juice: this juice is useful in promoting the correct growth and repair of body tissues, protecting against pollutants and more generally against free radicals, strengthening bones and teeth, and improving eyesight.
Lime, carrots: this juice is ideal for counteracting sudden drops in tone. Contains a lot of vitamin C and mineral salts; has antidiarrheal, refreshing, diuretic, bactericidal, and antiseptic properties. Useful for promoting the correct growth and repair of body tissues, protecting against pollutants and more generally against free radicals, strengthening bones and teeth, and improving eyesight.
Celery, green apple, nettle: a low-calorie juice, a great source of rehydration after exercise. It enhances and encourages the nerve impulses’ transmission. It also enhances cognitive function, including memory. Finally, it enhances brain and visual function with its anti-inflammatory properties.
White cabbage, carrot, apple, and mint: a kind of juice that contains a high amount of water, a great source of rehydration, balanced vitamin content, and a fair amount of calcium, phosphorus, and potassium. Contains a lot of vitamin C and mineral salts; has refreshing, diuretic, bactericidal, and antiseptic properties.
Carrot, celery, asparagus:this refreshing juice helps the body eliminate fat and is an ideal drink after a workout. It has purifying and remineralising properties for the entire body and, at the same time, has a calming and antidepressant effect on the nervous system. It promotes the correct growth and repair of body tissues, protects against pollutants and free radicals, strengthens bones and teeth, and improves eyesight. It is ideal for counteracting sudden drops in tone. Contains a lot of vitamin C and mineral salts and has refreshing, diuretic, bactericidal, and antiseptic properties.
Apple, carrot, ginger, blueberry, or blackcurrant: a juice that is definitely useful for increasing and promoting the transmission of nerve impulses. It improves cognitive performance (memory). It has an anti-inflammatory function. The apple has 5 groups of antioxidants, of which polyphenols are the main ones. It helps to have clean and bright skin that is shiny, keeps bones and cartilage strong, stimulates blood circulation, and helps to revitalise the skin color. It heals the stomach and maintains and facilitates the elimination of fat, including abdominal fat. It has a thermogenic effect, that is, it produces heat and burns calories. This makes it suitable for those who want to maintain a healthy weight, as long as it is used as part of a balanced diet.
Plum, raspberry, and blueberry juice: this refreshing juice helps the body eliminate fat and is an ideal drink after a workout. Dried plums help intestinal regularity and are also good for bones, skin, and the mood. It is rich in fibre and slow-absorbing carbohydrates. This juice also contains a lot of copper, which is beneficial to the skin, has antioxidant properties, shields hair from oxidation and ageing, and aids in maintaining healthy skin and hair colour. It gives the body fructose, fibre, and citric acid. It can also be consumed by diabetics. Finally, it has diuretic, laxative, and astringent properties and cures intestinal and urinary tract inflammation (cystitis).
Pineapple, apple, and celery juice: a refreshing and purifying juice. Pineapple has a chemical called bromelain, which has diuretic qualities and breaks down proteins, making it a great cure for water retention issues. In fact, because it facilitates the reabsorption of oedema and acts as an effective drainer, it is advised in situations of cellulite. Purifying and useful for digestion. This refreshing juice helps the body to eliminate fat and is an ideal drink after a workout. It has remineralising properties for the entire body and, at the same time, has a calming and antidepressant effect on the nervous system. Finally, it is antispasmodic, digestive, anti-fermentative, and slightly analgesic.
Orange, raspberry: this juice provides our body with an excellent supply of citric acid, fibre, fructose, mineral salts, and vitamins, which are useful for strengthening the immune system. It has diuretic, laxative, and astringent properties. It strengthens bones, teeth, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments.
Grapefruit, cucumber, and mint juice: This juice has important properties in terms of weight loss and brings significant health benefits as it contains a lot of fiber. It reduces appetite if drunk before a meal. It contains vitamin A and minerals. It contains tartaric acid, which prevents carbohydrates from converting to fat. It is a good diuretic and a good detoxifier.
Pineapple, fennel, celery: The compound called bromelain found in pineapples aids in protein digestion and, due to its diuretic qualities, is a great treatment for issues related to water retention. In fact, because it facilitates the reabsorption of oedema and acts as an effective drainer, it is advised in situations of cellulite. It is purifying and aids digestion. In addition, it contains blood and liver purifying qualities and works well as an anti-inflammatory, particularly for the colon.
The majority of them have a remineralising and purifying effect on the body as a whole, and this one in particular calms and balances the nervous system.
Grapefruit, courgettes, and mint: This juice has important properties in terms of weight loss and brings notable health benefits as it contains a lot of fibre. It reduces appetite before a meal. It contains vitamin A and minerals. It is refreshing, emollient, and acts as a diuretic if consumed. It has a low calorie content; this cleansing blend acts as a purifier for the body and benefits the eyes. The courgette, thanks to its high salicylic acid content, has anti-arteriosclerotic and anti-inflammatory properties. It has a thirst-quenching, refreshing, antispasmodic, digestive, anti-fermentative, and slightly analgesic effect.
The pulp from the juicer should not be thrown away!
It should also be kept in mind that the juicer, especially if done in multiple portions, has a significant amount of waste that is always thrown away. We also need to acknowledge that a sizable portion of the pulp and the peels are included in this trash, meaning that all of the components with a high nutritional value are present.
How can we ensure that we do not exclude these important parts and therefore reuse our leftovers in an original and tasty way? For this reason, we will discuss the best technique to utilise the waste portion of your juicers in addition to offering combinations to explore new tastes.
That 50 percent leftover can become the main element of other recipes, such as the basic ingredient for excellent biscuits rich in fiber. It is fantastic to discover how a set of such nutritious substances, which would have evidently been thrown away, with a little inventiveness, through a very simple transformation process, can become the highlight of another dish.

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