Stuffed Bell Peppers: A Tasty Recipe for a Tasty Lunch

Stuffed bell peppers, a dish rich in flavours and aromas
Do you want to bring to the table a second course that is a concentration of flavours and aromas? Perfect! Today I propose a perfect one for this purpose. What am I talking about? The recipe for bell peppers stuffed with meat and cured meats!
Bell peppers, a truly special vegetable whose properties would be impossible to list in their entirety. Why? For the simple fact that they are numerous, starting with the presence of provitamin A and vitamin C.
Bell peppers are particularly high in vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant and is very beneficial for maintaining attractive skin.
Recipe stuffed bell peppers
Preparation stuffed bell peppers
- Using a sharp knife, remove the caps of the bell peppers and remove the seeds. Rinse and blanch in boiling water for a few minutes.
- This way you will be able to remove the outer skin of the bell peppers, which will be more digestible. Let them cool upside down.
- In a bowl, combine the minced meat, the peeled sausage, 1 whole egg, the soaked and well-squeezed breadcrumbs, the parmesan cheese, and the finely chopped thyme.
- Mix the ingredients well and season with salt and black pepper. Then fill the peppers and place them on a baking tray covered with baking paper.
- Heat at 180° Celsius for 20 minutes.
Ingredients stuffed bell peppers
- 8 bell peppers
- 200 gr. mortadella
- 150 gr. sausage
- 100 gr. salami
- 80 gr. bread crumbs
- 2 tablespoons thyme
- 1 egg and 1 egg yolk
- 100 gr. grated Parmigiano Reggiano cheese (age = 36 months)
- 1 clove of garlic
- salt and black pepper
Stuffed bell peppers for the whole family
Stuffed bell peppers are also rich in fibre, a detail that makes them an effective food choice when you aim to keep your weight under control and combat intestinal problems.
Talking about bell peppers means calling into question their very valid anti-tumour properties. Who would have thought that this vegetable would be such a great way to avoid cancer? Actually, a number of studies have shown how crucial bell peppers are in regulating the activity of nitrosamines, which are chemicals that trigger the development of many tumours, including brain cancer.
How many advantages can one vegetable have?
This recipe requires the use of 8 bell peppers. How do we choose them? Every day I get asked questions about the best ways to choose fruit and vegetables.
These enquiries obviously also pertain to bell peppers, so I’m prepared to offer some recommendations for the best bell pepper selections. First and foremost, every bell pepper you use for a dish needs to be fresh. This applies to all bell pepper varieties.
These enquiries obviously also pertain to bell peppers, so I’m prepared to offer some recommendations for the best bell pepper selections. First and foremost, every bell pepper you use for a dish needs to be fresh. This applies to all bell pepper varieties.
The most useful way to choose bell pepper is to observe it carefully. The skin should appear turgid and taut, which is an advantage when cooking. Why? For the simple fact that, once the process is finished, it will be easier to peel it.
Sliced and stuffed bell peppers are a second course that almost everyone agrees on! This recipe is perfect for those who suffer from coeliac disease and is very light, especially due to the presence of a grated cheese like Parmesan that is not too caloric.
It is very tasty and enhanced by an extraordinary combination of different ingredients, which blend together in a perfect mix that will undoubtedly win over your guests.
Red, yellow, or green bell peppers?
Saying “bell peppers” is simple, but there are so many different kinds to choose from. It’s important to understand the differences between red, green, and yellow bell peppers.
Red bell peppers are the sweetest and express delicate notes that go well with many ingredients. The colour is due to the high concentration of antioxidant anti-tumour chemicals lutein and lycopene, which are also found in tomatoes.
Yellow bell peppers have a somewhat acidic aftertaste, a richer flavour, and a less yielding consistency. Beta-carotene, a potent antioxidant that aids in the absorption of vitamin A, which is necessary for vision, is the source of the yellow hue.
And the green bell peppers? In essence, they are a cross between the nutritional qualities and flavour of red and yellow bell peppers.
A variation on the typical filling for these stuffed bell peppers
Baked stuffed bell peppers are an integral part of Italian cuisine as they are a traditional and popular dish. However, they lend themselves to the most daring experiments with regards to the filling. In this case, I opted for meat and cured meats. The list of ingredients includes sausage, mortadella, and cured meats.
The filling is not “light,” but it still deserves a chance once in a while. The fatty notes of the mortadella blend perfectly with the fuller notes of the salami. Together they enhance the composite flavour of the sausage, which must be peeled and crumbled well so that it cooks together with the bell peppers.
The filling is then mixed with the egg, which also affects the organoleptic aspect. Then the Parmigiano Reggiano aged for 36 months is added; however, different ages are also fine. It is also possible to prepare the stuffed bell peppers recipe without meat by replacing it with rice or vegetables.
Which herbs should be used?
The bell peppers stuffed with meat and cured meats are very tasty, full-bodied, and abundant. However, the recipe is also balanced thanks to the moderate use of herbs; for this occasion, I only used thyme.
Aromatic and adaptable to many different cuisines is thyme. It conveys a nice zesty flavour without the typical tartness of lemon. Thyme is also healthy in its own right; in fact, it has the usual complement of vitamins, mineral salts, and antioxidants. These compounds have anti-ageing, anti-cancer, and free radical-neutralising properties.
You can add a little Timut pepper, which is actually a berry, to go with the thyme. Timut pepper has a fragrant, slightly sweet, and slightly acidic flavour.
Stuffed bell peppers FAQs
What to eat with stuffed bell peppers?
Although stuffed bell peppers can be eaten on their own as a full meal, they go well with a substantial side dish of potatoes. I also recommend a lettuce salad with your preferred dressing.
Chi non deve mangiare i peperoni?
Bell peppers don’t have any major contraindications. Some people believe they are hard to digest, but this cliché is actually linked to the tendency to eat bell peppers raw. If you suffer from digestive problems, it is therefore advisable to peel them well.
How to heat stuffed bell peppers?
Stuffed bell peppers can be heated in the oven or microwave, like any other dish. It is not recommended to heat them in a pan, as they run the risk of sticking to the bottom in the absence of oil or other added fats.

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